
Try: Set time to read and study. See which verse pops out to you. What does the chapter tell you about the history of God's people? What does it tell you about the character of God? Is what God said still applicable to our times today? Journal or sketch or pray. If there are any issues with the links below, Go to to bypass any issues.

  1. Resolutions, Psalm 1, M 1/24/2022

  2. Pawn, King or More, Psalm 2, W 1/26/2022

  3. God’s Got Your Back?, Psalm 3, F 1/28/2022

  4. Crying Out, Ps. 4, M 1/31/2022

  5. Prayerful Petition, Ps. 5, W 2/2/2022

  6. A Prayer & Hope, Ps. 6, F 2/4/2022

  7. Where do I stand?, Ps. 7, M 2/7/2022

  8. Reverence & Praise, Ps. 8, W 2/9/2022

  9. Truths of God & Man, Ps. 9, F 2/11/2022

  10. God Triumphs, Ps. 10, M 2/14/2022

  11. Of Virtue or Strife, Ps. 11, W 2/16/2022

  12. Choose Words with Care, Ps. 12, F 2/18/2022

  13. In Whom Do you Trust?, Ps. 13-14, M 2/21/2022

  14. Righteousness of Law & Grace, Ps.15-16,  W 2/23/2022

  15. Interacting with the Lord, Ps.17,  F 2/25/2022

  16. Awe & Dependence on the Lord, Ps.18, F 2/28/2022

  17. Delight in the Lord’s Law, Ps. 19, W 3/2/2022

  18. Blessings for God to Answer, Ps. 20, F 3/4/2022

  19. Relying on God or Not, Ps. 21, M 3/7/2022

  20. My God, Where Are You?, Ps. 22, W 3/9/2022

  21. The Lord’s Guidance, Ps. 23, F 3/11/2022

  22. The Lord’s Belongings, Ps. 24, M 3/14/2022

  23. God, My All!, Ps. 25, W 3/16/2022

  24. Check-up with God, Ps. 26, F 3/18/2022

  25. Homefront, Ps. 27, M 3/21/2022

  26. Plea for God to Hear & Bless, Ps. 28, W 3/23/2022

  27. The Voice & Power of God, Ps. 29, F 3/25/2022

  28. Mourning into Joy, Ps. 30, M 3/28/2022

  29. My God Stands by Me, Ps. 31, W 3/30/2022

  30. Forgiven, Ps. 32, F 4/1/2022

  31. Mercy of the Lord, Ps. 33-34, M 4/4/2022

  32. God Contends for His Servant, Ps. 35, W 4/6/2022

  33. Prideful Men? - Just Lord, Ps. 36, F 4/8/2022

  34. Just Rewards, Ps. 37, M 4/11/2022

  35. Separate but Dependent on God, Ps. 38, W 4/13/2022

  36. Life: The Short or Long Game?, Ps. 39, F 4/15/2022

  37. Love Song for God, Ps. 40, M 4/18/2022

  38. Blessed Even When Surrounded, Ps. 41, W 4/20/2022

  39. God–My Rock & Hope, Ps. 42-43, F 4/22/2022

  40. God & His People: The Conundrum, Ps. 44, M 4/25/2022

  41. God & Those After His Own Heart, Ps. 45, W 4/27/2022

  42. Everlasting Refuge, Conqueror & Ruler, Ps. 46-47, F 4/29/2022

  43. God’s City, Ps. 48, M 5/2/2022

  44. Depending on Wealth or God?, Ps. 49, W 5/4/2022

  45. Sifting Out the Hypocrites, Ps. 50, F 5/6/2022

  46. Humble Repentance, Ps. 51, M 5/9/2022

  47. Godlessness Described, Ps. 52-53, W 5/11/2022

  48. Betrayed Yet Protected, Ps. 54-55, F 5/13/2022

  49. Deliverance & Trust, Ps. 56, M 5/16/2022

  50. God, My Protector, Ps. 57, W 5/18/2022

  51. Battle for Righteousness, Ps. 58, F 5/20/2022

  52. The Ultimate Defense, Ps. 59, M 5/23/2022

  53. What Shall I Choose Today?, Ps. 60-61, W 5/25/2022

  54. Salvation & Trust, Ps. 62, F 5/27/2022

  55. Sanctuary Always, Ps. 63, M 5/30/2022

  56. Protective Covering, Ps. 64, W 6/1/2022

  57. Creator God Revered, Ps. 65, F 6/3/2022

  58. Joy of Praise & Worship, Ps. 66, M 6/6/2022

  59. Praise God, You Nations, Ps. 67, W 6/8/2022

  60. Justice Reigns, Ps. 68, F 6/10/2022

  61. Exercising Faith, Ps. 69, M 6/13/2022

  62. Prayer for Rescue, Ps. 70, W 6/15/2022

  63. Lifelong Hope, Ps. 71, F 6/17/2022

  64. Justice & Glory through the Messiah, Ps. 72, M 6/20/2022

  65. Choosing Image or Substance, Ps. 73, W 6/22/2022

  66. Covenant Keeper & Protector, Ps. 74, F 6/24/2022

  67. Righteous Judge, Ps. 75-76, M 6/27/2022

  68. Blessings Remembered to Strengthen Hope, Ps. 77, W 6/29/2022

  69. Generational Godly Instruction, Ps. 78, F 7/1/2022

  70. Relational Importance, Ps. 79, M 7/4/2022

  71. Prayer to God for Restoration, Ps. 80, W 7/6/2022

  72. God’s Decree & Free Will, Ps. 81, F 7/8/2022

  73. Judge of Nations, Ps. 82, M 7/11/2022

  74. Discipline of the Rebellious, Ps. 83 , W 7/13/2022

  75. Coming Home, Ps. 84 , F 7/15/2022

  76. Restoring God’s Favor, Ps. 85, M 7/18/2022

  77. Humbly Seeking the Lord, Ps. 86, W 7/20/2022

  78. From Heaven to Earth, Ps. 87-88, F 7/22/2022

  79. Promise-Keeper, Ps. 89, M 7/25/2022

  80. Creator King, Ps. 90, W 7/27/2022

  81. My Protector & Justice-Maker, Ps. 91, F 7/29/2022

  82. Praise to the Almighty Gardener, Ps. 92, M 8/1/2022

  83. Majestic God, Ps. 93, W 8/3/2022

  84. Judge & Administrator, Ps. 94, F 8/5/2022

  85. Trust God With a Tender Heart, Ps. 95, M 8/8/2022

  86. Praise to the Supreme Judge, Ps. 96, W 8/10/2022

  87. Rejoice in the Lord’s Glory, Ps. 97, F 8/12/2022

  88. Celebrate God’s Judgment, Ps. 98, M 8/15/2022

  89. Holy King & Judge, Ps. 99, W 8/17/2022

  90. Praise & Thanks to the King, Ps. 100, F 8/19/2022

  91. Upholding Justice, Ps. 101, M 8/22/2022

  92. Sufferer’s Prayer & Faith in Yahweh, Ps.102 , W 8/24/2022

  93. Bless the Everlasting Lord, Ps. 103, F 8/26/2022

  94. Creator of the Macro & Micro, Ps. 104, M 8/29/2022

  95. Celebrate God’s Promises & Mercy, Ps. 105-106, W 8/31/2022

  96. Straight Path or Not?, Ps. 107, F 9/2/2022

  97. Praise to & Victory in God, Ps. 108-109, M 9/5/2022

  98. Yahweh: King, Priest & Justice-Bringer, Ps. 110-111, W 9/7/2022

  99. Blessings from Obedience, Ps. 112, F 9/9/2022

  100. Exalt Our God, Ps. 113, M 9/12/2022

  101. Ruler of the Earth, Ps. 114, W 9/14/2022

  102. God-Our Helper & Ruler, Ps. 115, F 9/16/2022

  103. Love Songs to God, Ps. 116-117, M 9/19/2022

  104. God’s Grace & Mercy Proclaimed, Ps. 118, W 9/21/2022

  105. Learn & Follow God’s Word, Ps. 119:1-88, F 9/23/2022

  106. God’s Life-Giving Word, Ps. 119:89-176, M 9/26/2022

  107. Rescue from the Deceitful, Ps. 120, W 9/28/2022

  108. Praise the Lord Our Protector, Ps. 121-122, F 9/30/2022

  109. Prayer & Answer for Salvation, Ps. 123-124, M 10/3/2022

  110. Surrounded by Adonai, Ps. 125, W 10/5/2022

  111. Everything from the Lord, Ps. 126-127, F 10/7/2022

  112. Blessing of Peace, Ps. 128, M 10/10/2022

  113. The Lord Protects & Avenges, Ps. 129, W 10/12/2022

  114. Redemption From Our Humbleness, Ps. 130-131, F 10/14/2022

  115. A Home & An Oath, Ps. 132, M 10/17/2022

  116. Unity & Service, Ps. 133-134, W 10/19/2022 

  117. Descendants, Praise Our Lord!, Ps. 135, F 10/21/2022 

  118. Thanks for His Enduring Mercy, Ps. 136, M 10/24/2022 

  119. When Hope Seems Gone, Ps. 137, W 10/26/2022 

  120. My Lord Is Faithful & True, Ps. 138, F 10/28/2022 

  121. Yahweh Surrounds Me, Ps. 139, M 10/31/2022 

  122. Plea of Salvation and Justice, Ps. 140, W 11/2/2022

  123. Teach Me to Walk Righteously, Ps. 141, F 11/4/2022

  124. From Where Does My Help Come?, Ps. 142, M11/07/2022

  125. Reliance on God to Save, Ps. 143, W 11/09/2022

  126. My Lord Commands & Provides, Ps. 144, F 11/11/2022

  127. Majestic Leadership, Ps. 145, M 11/14/2022

  128. Trusting Men or the Lord?, Ps. 146, W 11/16/2022

  129. From Blessings to Revelation, Ps. 147, F 11/18/2022

  130. Let All Praise the Lord, Ps. 148, M 11/21/2022

  131. Praise God & Stand In His Justice, Ps. 149, W 11/23/2022

  132. Praise Him with Music & Dance, Ps. 150, F 11/25/2022

Chapter(s)/day of: Psalm, depending on the length of the Psalm, some days may be more than one chapter or a chapter may be sectioned in half.  

Recommended tools: Bible (any version), Concordance/Maps/Other supplemental references, Journal/Sketchpad, Pen/Pencil, Techies: Laptop/Tablet